Pamper yourself with a visit to Nail Salon, a great stress reliever. Relieving stress during pregnancy is almost essential. But given everything we know about dangerous toxins and how what we apply to our skin and body can affect our health, are nail salons really a safe place for pregnant women?
Most doctors will say this is normal, but many women are still concerned about chemicals getting into their bloodstream when they polish their polish. Fortunately, over the past few years, the manicure industry has made remarkable strides in developing safer options for pregnant and non-pregnant women.
Therefore, you should be careful before getting a manicure if you are in pregnant or breastfeeding time. Below are some important tips to make your trip to the nail salon safer during and after pregnancy.
What is a Manicure during pregnancy?
Whether it’s a routine part of your beauty routine or occasional treatment, a manicure or pedicure can be a great way to pamper yourself. Also, many people in the third trimester of pregnancy have trouble cutting their own nails and want to get a pedicure.
Whether you want to pamper yourself or help you trim your nails, you’ll want to be able to enjoy an easy manicure. So, advises Lin, that the nail salon you visit should follow basic cleaning guidelines, be well ventilated, and do not use harsh chemicals.
Every pregnancy is different. If you have any questions about your manicure during pregnancy, check with your doctor about your situation.
You can get a Manicure during your pregnancy but need to follow some important tips for safety
Advantages of Getting a Manicure during pregnancy
Nail care is more than just nail care. For many people, a manicure is a fun pastime with friends, an opportunity to be alone, or an opportunity to pamper themselves. You can also get new nails that are trimmed, reshaped, and polished.
Important tips for Manicure safety when you are pregnant
First, choose a well-ventilated nail salon. Look for houses with open windows or ventilation systems. It will be better for you and the people who work in the salon!
You should have a recommended “Room Ventilation Test” at the nail salon. Ventilation systems are important as different chemicals can be inhaled if used by other visitors. A good air system prevents this and keeps the air as fresh as possible.
Good ventilation will help eliminate strong odors associated with some products commonly used in nail salons. Some people have an increased sense of smell during pregnancy and exposure to strong odors can cause nausea, headaches, or dizziness, Lin says.
Measures that do not provide safe ventilation include small table fans, air purifiers, and ventilation settings that simply recirculate air. Open windows, manicure tables with built-in ventilation (external), and special systems for removing dust.
One of the impressive benefits, when you come to Labelle Nail Boutique to experience the spa service, is the deluxe spa treatment with added benefits in multiple levels. Deluxe Spa Treatment supports a course of beauty treatments that includes the main stages of classic, intensive nutrition, and massage spa treatments. More advanced, especially in deluxe spa treatments, is treatment and improvement of calluses.
Some useful tips for you to have a safe manicure service when you are pregnant
The Ultimate Pedicure Treatment focuses not only on foot care but also on muscle health and circulation. Correct application of paraffin wax relieves muscle tension and significantly increases blood circulation in the legs. Also, an aromatherapy hot stone massage for more than 10 minutes will make your feet more comfortable.
Second, you need to pay attention to everything at the nail salon clean, thorough cleaning of tubs, surfaces, and tools used for immersing hands or feet between visitors. An improperly cleaned tool or surface poses a risk of infection. Skin cuts are also more likely to become infected, so if you have a wound on your arm or leg, it`s best to avoid treatment until it heals. It’s also important to see an experienced manicurist because it’s less likely that an experienced manicurist will accidentally cut you while performing the service. Often, salons will buy or bring in a set of nail care supplies and request that the ingredients be used by only one customer. If necessary, you can bring personal belongings such as nail clippers and files.
Technical salons need to deny service to people with cuts and infections, but this is not always the case. Open wounds and scratches are more susceptible to infections and may require medication during pregnancy.
Also, it’s helpful to read salon reviews before booking, whether pregnant or not. Hygiene and cleanliness should be our top priorities. Don’t be afraid to ask your nail technician if the tools you use are properly disinfected.
You should also consider choosing a non-toxic salon. Not sure which nail salon in your area has good ventilation? Beauty salons for pregnant women and environmentally conscious women are popping up all over the country. Labelle Nail Boutique in Poway, San Diego, a non-toxic nail salon, specializes in vegan, agricultural, and beauty services and 100% wholesome products. Likewise, Labelle Nail Boutique offers an eco-friendly, water-free manicure service, sterile medical devices; Natural organic products.
Besides, you should skip no chips. Although there is no solid evidence for no-chip polish, the process of applying and removing it is risky and should be avoided if possible if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Exposure to ultraviolet light, such as chip polish or lamps used to treat indoor tanning beds, increases your risk of persistent hyperpigmentation or cancer during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Also, to remove the nail polish, you’ll need to dip your fingertips in acetone, so wearing the chip increases the chance that dangerous toxins will be absorbed into the bottom of your nail.
By following the precautions above, you can safely trim your nails during pregnancy. Even if you carefully decide to skip a manicure, you can still enjoy a manicure or pedicure.
You should take precautions for foot massage. Pressure points in the legs can irritate certain organs in the body. Therefore, reflexology is sometimes used to quickly start l. During pregnancy, make sure your foot massage is very gentle or performed by a reflexologist so you don’t accidentally trigger labor, especially keeping away your ankles.
One more suggestion is asking for square nails. This form is less likely to cause ingrown toenails and can lead to infection. Cuticles are not cut! Did you know that cutting your cuticles is actually illegal in most states? By cutting healthy living tissue, it exposes them to infection and fungus, which is very frustrating for pregnant women. Just say no! Instead, ask them to move the cuticle backward.
If in doubt, you can ask the manicurist not to use any chemicals. Make sure you also use safe nail polish. Offering a non-toxic varnish option was what motivated Labelle Nail Boutique to create the free-toxic nail polish line. We also pay attention to apply non-toxic nail products.
It’s also a good idea to choose gentle nail care so you don’t have to worry about the nail polish cutting your cuticles or giving you a rough massage.

You should use the free-toxic chemical products for your safety when you are pregnant
Choose a safer varnish. There is no such thing as a completely organic nail polish because the nature of requires chemicals. If you’re traveling to a place where there are no healthier options, add your shine!
Pregnancy requires compromises on safety and doubts about how high the risks are like eating deli meat. Can you get a manicure? This is a conversation between you and your doctor to decide how high the risk is. Whatever you choose, there are ways to colour your nails as safely as possible, including using a specific varnish and providing ventilation to prevent inhalation of vapours. Your manicure may look a little different after 9 months, but it will ultimately be one of the many sacrifices worthwhile.
In addition, you should take the following precautions when choosing a nail salon for a manicure when you are pregnant.
Make sure the salon and each nail technician are licensed. The manicurist must wear new gloves. Gently push back without trimming the cuticles that protect the base of the nail from bacteria and fungus. Clippers and other tools must be properly sterilized in an autoclave sterilizer (which uses heat to kill bacteria). Non-metallic files, buffers, and flash drives must not be reused. You can also bring your own nail tools if you wish. There is no evidence that short-term exposures associated with manicures or pedicures are harmful to you or your children due to the internal vapours of chemicals such as toluene, formaldehyde, and acetone. Small amounts of each chemical are absorbed through the lungs or through the nails and skin. These small exposure levels of are not expected to cause problems for the pregnancy or the baby.
However, the smell is an increased sense of smell that can make some mothers nauseous. If you experience nausea, dizziness, or a headache, it is a good idea to rest and get some fresh air. However, your fingernails are made in a salon, there is no conclusive evidence that the chemical used in nail products can cause problems in your developing child. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends minimizing exposures as experts cannot be sure which exposures could potentially cause side effects. Some precautions include using personal protective equipment (including mask and gloves), washing dishes regularly to remove chemicals from the skin, and working in a well-ventilated environment.
To sum up, the above is the important tips you should notice if you would like to get Manicure services at the nail salon when you are pregnant or breastfeeding. You can choose our nail salon: Labelle Nail Boutique with toxic-free chemical products, safe Manicure services, and professional nail technicians.