Clean feet are characteristic of well-maintained and confident people. So you owe it to yourself to show love to them. A pedicure every few weeks can mean the difference between a healthy and sexy foot and the type of pin you want to hide in a high-top pair. Therefore, they are highly recommended as they not only shed blood but also moisturize the skin and help prevent fungal infections. You should do this every 15-20 days. Let’s spoil ourselves. Cut and trim your nails.
A classic pedicure is basically a foot health feeling for about 45 minutes. It’s important to have a clean canvas at first, so start by removing the old nail polish. Carefully trim your nails to the desired length and shape. Then use a wooden file to shape the delicate nails without breaking or tearing them. Then apply cuticle gel or tea tree oil and carrier oil to soften and smooth the nail bed.
Remove the cuticle
Soaking your feet in a lukewarm bath will soften the octopus and clean your nails and feet. As it contains plenty of magnesium, add 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt to the water. This helps remove toxins from the feet. After soaking your foot for at least 20 minutes, remove the cuticle pusher and gently push the cuticle near the nail bed back. If you see loose cuticles, you will need cuticle nippers to remove all loose skin.

You should remove the cuticle before getting a Pedicure to clean your toenails
Scrub and hydrating
Also, rub your feet in a circular motion to remove dead skin cells and smooth the surface. You can use foot files and pumice stones to get rid of dead skin cells and even out the skin. If you don’t have it, use oatmeal and jojoba oil to exfoliate and remove old dead skin. It’s time to stuff your feet and rehydrate. Therefore, apply a layer of cream or coconut oil. This helps to trap water in the skin. Brush your nails now to encourage growth and regain lost brilliance. Now you can dress up your nails with your favorite manicure double coat.
Daily ritual
Dirty feet accumulate dirt and bacteria all day long, so be sure to wash your feet thoroughly every night before going to bed. So keep your feet and toes clean and treat them with a moisturizer. The next morning, you can enjoy the benefits of a soft and supple ankle. Exposing your feet to the sun or dirt can cause damage. Therefore, it is advisable to use a sunscreen spray 30 minutes before going out. It is sweatproof, matte, and quick-drying. Foot files are suitable for rough feet.
Foot file or pumice stone
Nail files and nail clippers
Foot cream and cuticle oil
Nail polish (including base and topcoat)
Step 1: Prepare your nails for your at-home pedicure
Finally, it’s time to remove the remains of your last Pedi (seriously, how long have you had that red chipped case?) and polish it thoroughly. To remove every last bit of color, dip a cotton ball in nail polish remover (I’m a lover of gentle, acetone-free formulas) and hold it on each nail for a few seconds to let the polish dissolve. out before starting. to scan. If you want a perfectly smooth finish at the end, don’t skip this step.
Pro Tip: If you have any odd spots or yellowing leftover (you usually see this after removing darker colors, like red or black), rub cuticle oil onto the surface of your nails. to remove dirt.
Step 2: Soak toes and feet
Before you start soaking, your first job – and this is very important – is to go around the house and collect all the candles you can find. Oh, and treat yourself to a glass of wine while you’re at it. The trick to making at-home pedicures feel like a spa experience instead of, you know, pedicure in your apartment that’s too small for your comfort, is to set the mood ~ at the spa resort with your makeshift pedicure. Once fit, you’re ready to soak your feet to soften skin and tough cuticles (and completely relax). I recommend using a basin (i.e. a very large bowl) if you have one, but your tub is also a good option. Fill it with warm water and add a tablespoon of skin-soothing bath salts (or just use a cup of kosher salt). Soak your feet for a few minutes before moving on to the next step.
Step 3: Remove dead skin
Okay, that’s my favorite part. I know, I’m weird, but it’s gratifying to see how smooth your feet become after massaging down. After wiping your feet, take a foot file or pumice stone and apply some ham on the calluses, removing dead skin. Make sure you really focus on your heels and any other calloused areas. Scratch until your feet are smooth but don’t rub your rough feet, you may end up causing irritation, which is never fun.
Step 4: Trim your nails
Once your feet are AF smooth, it’s time to shape your nails. Choose a classic nail clipper to trim and trim your nails. Don’t worry about the finish of the edges, you’ll deal with that in the next step.
Step 5: Shape the soles of your feet
When your toes are perfectly long, straighten them. Remove the nail file and shape the corners and edges. You don’t have to rush this step-take time to file until all your nails are level.
Step 6: Add a few drops of cuticle oil
Remember to pay special attention to the cuticles on each toe. You can push the cuticle back with an orange cane, but it saves you the hassle of trimming and cutting for professionals. Cuticles protect your nails from bacteria, and you shouldn’t trust yourself (or actually anyone) to ruin them-especially with that glass of wine.
Get ready for the most relaxing part of your pedicure now. Find a comfortable place in your home and soak your feet for at least 5 minutes, or as long as you have time. You can read magazines, scroll through Instagram, and meditate for even more relaxation. Use the Cut and Shape Nail Clipper to trim the nails to the required length (or skip this step if you don’t need them). Then use a nail file to file either square or circular, depending on your preference. Tip: Do not cut or sand your nails. It can be an ingrown toenail.
Cuticle Cleaning time is one of the most important steps. The well-maintained cuticle gives your nails a refreshing and clean feel. Start with oil that softens the cuticle, such as Body Shop Almond Nail & Cuticle Oil (if you don’t have anything, coconut oil is sufficient). Gently massage and leave for 12 minutes. Then apply a cuticle remover like Kinetics Cuticle Remover Gel. This is much safer than using a cuticle clipper. This can cause an infection if you don’t know what you are doing. After the remover sits for another 12 minutes, use the cuticle pusher to push the cuticle back.
You can take care of your toenails by scrubbing and hydrating
Instead, rub a few drops of cuticle oil to show your affection. It creates a world of difference in the brilliance, health, and overall strength of your nails. Step 7: Massage your feet with lotion
Use foot cream or body lotion to start the massage until you want to stop your toes, feet, and calves. Not only does this massage make you feel great, but it also helps moisturize your feet after rubbing or soaking. Finish off by grabbing a cotton pad soaked with rubbing alcohol to clean the surface of each nail, removing any oily residue that could prevent your polish from sticking. Step 8: Apply a layer of base coat
If you’re thinking that you can skip this step, pls reconsider. Since the base coat acts as a barrier between the natural oils that come from your nails and your actual polish, it’s super important to swipe it on if you want your pedicure to last. And who doesn’t want that? Step 9: Paint the soles of your feet
If you have flip-flops, grab them. Otherwise, remove the paper towel and wrap it around a rope or twist it into your toes to keep your toes clean. Apply a light coat of your choice twice and allow the color to dry for a few minutes between each coat. If you don’t like drawing the inside of the line, use an orange pencil to get rid of the confusion.
Step 10: Finish with a topcoat
If you don’t want to tip the pedicure the next day, don’t skip this step either. Apply a top coat to seal the nail polish. It is very shiny and has a long-lasting finish.
Pamper your feet with scrubs and treatments. Pamper your feet with scrubs, foot creams, foot scrubs, and post-cleansing moisturizers. Check out my choices below. If you only have hand cream, here’s the trick. Apply hand cream, put on socks, and soak your feet in moisture.
And you have it: a salon-quality pedicure from the comfort of your own damn home. What are we spending extra money on? !!